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Media Training
Public Speaking Training
Communication Consulting 

Crisis Communication



The Communication Expert


I have been working in the communications industry for nearly two decades in a series of roles: as a journalist, a film-maker and more recently as a PR consultant.

Today I accompany prominent personalities, important organizations and renowned companies to communicate effectively. Well-structured key messages that are authentic and empathetic in tone make up the core of my coaching and training approach. 

​How does one become an excellent speaker? It's my mission to be able to give a distinct and personalized answer to each client. My strongest source of inspiration has been the many leaders, celebrated publishers and public figures I am honoured to have interviewed and worked with. They have had a big influence on what I teach and train today.

During my time as a TV producer, celebrated talkshow hosts such as Michel Friedman, Erich Böhme and Lothar Späth and guests such as Angela Merkel, Edzard Reuter and Harald Schmidt expanded my knowledge immensely. The sharp minds responsible for "Frontal" (ZDF) and "Fakt" (ARD) taught me, as an investigative journalist, more on communicating effectively. An excellent training on how to translate complex matters into an understandable format was my work as a TV and print journalist, explaining the world as science sees it for "Wunderwelt Wissen" (ProSieben) and reporting on arts and culture for Spiegel Online.


To be able to understand complex thoughts and communicate them effectively, I studied Philosophy, German Literature, Journalism and Film in Germany, France and Canada. I wrote my master's thesis on John Rawls' concept of justice and fairness at the Freie Universität of Berlin. 


I feel comfortable in different cultural contexts. I grew up in Canada and Germany; my native languages ​​are German and English. 


I'm an optimist and enjoy looking ahead. Innovative ideas, good questions and controversial views motivate me to seek the spotlight together with my clients. And of course, I love working with people and am very much looking forward to meeting you.

„Julia ist Top-Profi und als Kommunikationsexpertin sehr zu empfehlen.

Christian Vollmann, Gründer & Business Angel des Jahres 2017

"Julia is an excellent communication coach for any team or individual."

Amaryllis Liampoti, Partner & Director,

BCG Digital Ventures

„Ein Workshop mit Julia überzeugt. Sie vermittelt selbst PR-Profis kreative Impulse.“

Kathrin Klinkusch, Pressesprecherin, NABU-Bundesverband

„Herausragende Arbeit. Julia ist ein Ausnahmetalent in Sachen Medientraining und Strategie.“

Christian Neuner-Duttenhofer, Leiter Politische Weiterbildung, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung






Office Berlin:

Alte Schönhauser Straße 25

10119 Berlin

Office Frankfurt/Main:

Bahnhofstraße 19

61476 Kronberg 


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